I have been building several sound boxes lately (amps, sequencers), and when i thought of making an internet radio, i found the excellent Esp-radio project using the Arduino IDE to program the ESP8266 WiFi module (ESP-12E version). The documentation is
Arduino gyro game (with MPU6050)
I made an Arduino game around the MPU-6050 sensor (6DOF = gyro+accelerometer) and an OLED display: tilt the sensor to move the ball around do not touch the borders try to catch as many squares as possible within 1 minute I’m
Arduino walkie talkie with nRF24L01
One of the more popular projects i build with kids is my Arduino Morse radio, so i started to wonder whether the nRF24L01 can also transmit sound. That’s how i found the excellent RF24Audio library. This library includes all basic